
Togetstarted,opentheterminalonyourMac.And,finally,youneedaninternetconnectionĪsadvertised,thismethodonlytakesonestep.Youcancheckifyou ...,itsycal.Installcommand:brewinstall--caskitsycal.Name:Itsycal.Menubarcalendar.·/api/cask/itsycal.json(JSONAPI).,Itsycalisatinymenubarcalendar.Ifyouwant,itwilldisplayyoureventsasacompaniontotheMacCalendarapp.ItsycalhasDarkMode,I...

Brew install itsycal

To get started, open the terminal on your Mac. And, finally, you need an internet connectionĪs advertised, this method only takes one step.You can check if you ...


itsycal. Install command: brew install --cask itsycal. Name: Itsycal. Menu bar calendar. · /api/cask/itsycal.json (JSON API).

Itsycal for Mac

Itsycal is a tiny menu bar calendar. If you want, it will display your events as a companion to the Mac Calendar app. Itsycal has Dark Mode, ISO week numbers, a ...

Itsycal for Mac Frequently Asked Questions

To display events in Itsycal, open the Preferences panel and choose the General tab. You should see a list of the calendars you have set up in the Mac Calendar ...

Mac 實用小工具-記錄、學習、生活

2022年8月26日 — Itsycal 是一款Menu bar 上的行事曆軟體。有時候看到一些活動是在下個月的某某號,想知道他是禮拜幾卻又不想打開行事曆的話,輕 ...

【獨立開發】4個免費Mac App 提升工作效率

Itsycal 功能上較優,支援macOS 本來的Calendar,基本上就是基本版本的Fantastical。它還支援會議鏈結,可以直接進入Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams 的會議。